our services


training, facilitation, and strategic planning

Training focused on diverse evidence-based public health topics designed to inform public health practice.

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needs assessment
and IMPROVEMENT planning

Facilitation of a data-driven process through strategic engagement of multi-sector partners to collect data, prioritize needs, and identify strategies that move from a broad goal to action.

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grant writing
and coordination

Convert an idea into reality across the grant cycle, including identify, develop, and manage a competitive grant proposal.

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Research and evaluation

Take the guesswork out of identifying where and how to gather and track quality data through data collection and analysis, literature review, and evaluation approaches.

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program development
and implementation

Translate evidence-based practice into development, implementation and management of public health projects to achieve measurable outcomes.

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technical writing
and communication

Translate findings through the lens of multiple priority populations into user-friendly, written communication resources to drive public health practice.

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Featured project



SLM Consulting collaborated with the South Dakota Department of Health Office of Child and Family Service Maternal and Child Health Program to help facilitate a comprehensive statewide needs assessment. The assessment was guided by health equity principles and community engagement of key partners and stakeholders. Finds from the assessment will help inform long-term planning for the Title V program focused on improving the health of women and children across the state.

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We were pleased to have SLM Consulting assist us with our alumni engagement survey and follow-up efforts. She was thorough, efficient, and on-time with a high-quality product. Sandra kept us informed at key stages in the process and delivered a report that will serve us well for years to come.
— Dr. Rick Melmer, Direction of Leadership South Dakota



about us


SLM Consulting is committed to understanding and addressing factors that affect population health through multi-sector collaborations, translating evidence-based practice into public health approaches that to achieve health for all. Our practice is informed by years of experience, working to improve the health of rural and urban communities where people live, work, learn and play.

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how to talk to your doctor

 Learn about interactive sessions that offer the opportunity to learn best-practices and practice skills in a supportive environment.


public health beat

Learn about how SLM Consulting can work with you to
impact community health and achieve health equity.


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